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The Best Source of Muslim Shia Videos
Online Viewers: 4279


Quran Qirat

Quran Qirat

Videos related to Recitation / Qirat of Quran - Eternal text from Allah

Total: 319

About Quran

About Quran

Videos related to Quran - Eternal text from Allah

Total: 5882

Movies / Films / Documentaries / Dramas

Movies / Films / Documentaries / Dramas

All Movies / Films / Documentries related to Islam and Muslims. Some cultural dramas for light entertainment as well.

Total: 22777

Leaders / Scholars / Ulema

Leaders / Scholars / Ulema

All about great leaders, Marajay, scholars, pious ulemas and notable personalities

Total: 16912

Sayings / Hadith of Infallibles

Sayings / Hadith of Infallibles

Videos related to Sayings / Hadith of infallibe Prophet, Imams and Ahlul-bait (a.s.)

Total: 3040

Speeches / Sermons / Majalis

Speeches / Sermons / Majalis

Speeches of all occassions, Friday Sermons, Eid Sermons, Moharram majalis and lectures

Total: 52998

Great Personalities

Great Personalities

Films, Videos, Documentaries and more about Great Personalities that helped in spreading our religion.

Total: 6972

Supplications / Duaa

Supplications / Duaa

Recitation of different duaa / supplications as taught by Holy Prophet and Ahlul Bait (a.s.)

Total: 3096

Nasheed / Naat / Hamd / Islamic Songs

Nasheed / Naat / Hamd / Islamic Songs

Anasheed, Islamic Songs, Naat, Hamd related to Islam and Muslims

Total: 6200

Latmiya / Nauha

Latmiya / Nauha

Muharram related latmiyat and nauhas from all over the globe

Total: 6973

Kids / Children

Kids / Children

Superb Islamic videos of kids' interest, animated stories, cartoons and others

Total: 6828

Fiqh & Ethics

Fiqh & Ethics

Edicts and Rulings related to everyday life and Fiqh related videos

Total: 2800

Haj / Ummrah / Ziarat

Haj / Ummrah / Ziarat

Haj Ummrah and Ziarat E Muqamat E Muqadisa (holy places of Islam)

Total: 990

Madressa & Sunday School Programs

Madressa & Sunday School Programs

Speeches, Tablos and other Islamic Activities

Total: 4455

Mass Media / Interviews / Discussions

Mass Media / Interviews / Discussions

Interviews & Discussions from various media channels

Total: 18448

Muslim Unity - Shia Sunni Unity

Muslim Unity - Shia Sunni Unity

Videos showing importance and advocating Shia Sunni Unity

Total: 5095

Poetry / Poems

Poetry / Poems

Poetry, Poems and Qasida

Total: 2257

Funny / Laugh

Funny / Laugh

Funny Videos to give you a good quality laugh.

Total: 700

Nature / Science / Tech

Nature / Science / Tech

Videos related to Nature, Science and Technology

Total: 3513

Skill Development

Skill Development

Personal and professional skill development videos

Total: 3729

News & Current Affairs

News & Current Affairs

Keep yourself informed and aware with the latest news and current affairs pertinent to Muslim Ummah.

Total: 37608
