About 15 Videos found | Showing 1 - 15
[18 Mar 2013] With the event journalist Hassan Hamadi | مع الحدث - الصحافي حسن...
[28 Jan 2013] Tunisian PM holds presser to ease tensions - English
[20 Feb 2013] Political vacuum & public fears following resignation of Tunisian premier -...
This Du\'a is taught by Imam Sajjad (as) and is Du\'a #31 in Saheefa as sajjadiyyah....
Dua Sabah is from Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as). The compiler says, Allahmah Majlisi has...
This supplication is beautiful in its eloquence as it holds many spiritual teachings, such as...
This supplication is also referred to as Dua Alqamah named after the companion of Imam Sadiq...
It is also known as Dua al-Shab al-Ma’khuh bi Dhanbih and is cited in the Muhaj al-Dawat as...
This Du`a is taught by the Imam Sajjad (a) and is a clear indication of the loftiness of...
There are several Dua Sahar and this is one of the shorter ones. Highly recommended to be recited...
Highly recommended to recite this dua during the last hour before the time of maghreb salaat on...
It’s the cry of the oppressed against the oppressors. A very effective dua in overthrowing the...
Reported from Imam Baqir (as) & Imam Sadiq (as) Unlike other ziyaraat that...
This is one of the most famous supplications. Allamah Majlisi calls it the best of all...
Daily dua to be recited after obligatory prayers during the month of Shabaan