About 488 Videos found | Showing 1 - 28
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Who was the original reciter of the Munajat Shabaniyah? What spiritual effects can be attained...
Munajat e Taibeen | مناجات تائبین | Pehli Munajat | Arabic Sub Urdu English...
Munajat e Shakeen | مناجات شاکین | Second Munajat | Arabic Sub Urdu English...
Munajat e Khaifeen | مناجات خائیفین | Third Munajat | Arabic Sub Urdu English...
Subject : Dua o Munajat Dua : Allah Say Talabe Faryad | اللہ تعالی سے طلب و...
Munajat Shabaniyyah är en intensiv och väldigt andligt bön, skriven av Imam Ali(A),...
Promo : Wajahat Rizvi Munajat 2012 - Urdu
Munajat Shabaniyah | المناجاة الشعبانية - Arabic Sub English
[Clip] Munajat Pendosa - Arabic sub Malay
Munajat e Sha’baniyya is the whispered Prayer of Ameerul Momineen Ali ibn Abu Talib...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
The Whispered Prayers are part of a series of 15 Munajat (intimate orisons) from Imam...
Munajat -e- Mola Ali-a.s in Beautiful voice in Arabic with English subtitles
Try to think and ponder on this munajat and realise what our responisbility is today
Munajat of Imam Ali (a.s) - Masjid Kufa - Arabic sub English
Munajat for the month of Rajab