About 16 Videos found | Showing 1 - 16
1391/06/16 [27/08/2012] The new geometry of the worldهندسه جدید دنیا The new...
Edges and Faces of Shapes. In this educational math video for kids, you\'ll learn the definition...
A Conversation with Ibn Sina - English
\"Genau vor dem Attentatsversuch auf mein Leben, hatte ich das Gefühl dass Allah mich...
Basic Math: Operations on Numbers -- Part 2
Basic Math: LCD & Fraction Comparisons
Algebra Shortcut Trick - how to solve equations instantly
[13 Aug 2014] Iranian-born professor becomes first woman to win Field Medal - English
What is a Polygon & How Many Sides Does It Have? In this educational video for kids, you’ll...
Rotaional Symmetry *Explained* In this educational math video for kids, you’ll learn how...
How to Measure a Circle *Radius Diameter & Circumference* 1. Radius: A line segment that...
What\' s the difference between open and closed shapes? An open shape is made up of line...
Congruent shapes have the exact same shape and size. If you place an object in front of a...
Perimeter of a Shape | What is it & How do you Find It? In this educational math video for...
How to Find the Area of Shapes! In this educational math video for kids, you will learn the...
Number of Sides of Every Shape! Most shapes are identified by their number of sides. In this...