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Quran-, and I would not have taken the misguiders as assistants.
Basim Karbalai just like a" Hissaan ibne Sabit "
Who Praise IMAM ALI in the event of Ghadeer in His POETRY
When SAYYEDA FTIMEH ZEHRA needed witness of Ghadeer Sermon of Proohet MUHAMMAD (pbuh)
He refused to come as witness
As well as IMAM ALI also Taunted a person who Praise IMAM Ali in front of imam and IMAM used very Hard words for Him.
Basim kerbali is the example of our time and he playing same Role like I mention above from islamic history.
Basim tring to through Mud on Sky but it will come back on his Face.
Basim doesn't know the Personality if Wali Faqih Sayyed Ali Khamenei that what Advantages Muslim world getting from His Holy Existence.......
O " you Ignorance ,illiterate Basim
This is Our Belived Rehber that you are still Alive "
Meray Rehber ki janib jo uthi Nazer
Chein longa un akhon se Nor e Basr
Kaat dalonga her us Adami ki Zaban
Bar Gaya koi Haddy Adab se agr
Long life Khamenei
Follower of Khamenei