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I am from Karachi Pakistan originaly.Living in Melbourne for last 19 years.I admire a lot nohay salam and munqabat/qasiday of Late Sachey bhai of Zulfiqar-e-Haideri Karachi Pakistan.Sachay bhai marhoom contributed enormously towards Nohakhawani and his style is unique and poetry in his noha/salam munqabats are of highest calibre.I love to read his nohay,salams and munqabats in majalis and mehfils in Melbourne's Panjetan center and in other momineens' residences.
Maulana Syed Abul Qasim Rizvi saheb is the Resident Alim of Panjtan Center Melbourne since January 2006 and since his arrival here has been contributing a great deal towards the cause of religion of Islam and promoting the real values of Deen -e-Islam and Ahleybait and momineens of Melbourne, including youngsters and children have benefited and learned a lot from Maulana's speeches and from his kind personality.
Interests / Hobbies
cricket and soccer