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We Shia have a ''proud to be oppressed'' mentality, true. But Allama saheb is so right that Shia Muslims are also the inheriters of Khyber and Khandaq. I would add Nahrawan to the list. Kharijis must know that we not only have Karbala but also Nahrawan. And Hussain was oppressed, but he fought tooth and nail for his cause until the last blood drop.
@Mustazafeen: Yes, I have heard the same about Urdu. Urdu sounds like a beautiful language. There were also Urdu speaking people in the procession. It was a good mix of people with different cultural backgrounds really. But all identify themselves as Norwegian Shia Muslims.
Moreover, making a contract beforehand may also include agreeing in advance that ''whatever is presented, shall be acceptable by the speaker'', if one so much wants to stick to the ruling of the holy Qur'an. The holy Prophet (PBUH) said, ''For every ummah there has been a fitnah. The fitnah of my ummah is wealth''.
It appears that this gentleman has not studied even a bit of Ilm-e-Mantiq that is one of the foundation subjects when you study (Shia) Islam. Spending 35 dollars on a football match ... is not a good example. He doesn't understand that ''sokhanran'' or ''muballigh'' is not like being a football player who entertains the crowd.
Thank you all :) It is sad (and frustrating) to see that majority of people in the west (and probably many in traditionally Muslim countries) don't even know that there is a crisis going on in Bahrain. They only ''eat'' and digest what the mainstream media feed them. Hopefully, calling F1 Bahrain Grand Prix once again, will make people think.