Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode we\\\'re talking about \\\"How To Have A Healthy Marriage\\\".
But what exactly does it mean to have a healthy marriage?
What is the view of Islam as regards to marriage and its positive benefits?
And what is the view... Show More >>
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode we\\\'re talking about \\\"How To Have A Healthy Marriage\\\".
But what exactly does it mean to have a healthy marriage?
What is the view of Islam as regards to marriage and its positive benefits?
And what is the view of Islam as regards to the negative impacts of not getting married?
What is the give-and-take marriage and can it be succesful?
And what kind of expectations should we have from our spouses?
And what kind of problems occur when one has expectations in a marriage?
What effect does looking nice for one\\\'s spouse have in having a healthy marriage?
What are some practical things that we can do, in order to make sure we have a healthy marriage?
What are some of the purposes behind marriage?
What role does effort play in making sure that we have a healthy marriage?
How does social media addiction impact our marriages, or all of our relationships for that matter?
What impact does lack of communication have on our marriages, or on all of our relationships for that matter?
How can the famous tradition of Hadithe Kisa, help us to have a healthy marriage?
What role does terms of endearment play when it comes to having a healthy marriage?
What role does tolerance-level play in having a healthy marriage?
How does living outside of our means, deteriorate a healthy marriage?
Is the individual benefit more important than the household benefit; which one should have the priority?
And how is the Islamic concept of marriage different from the post-industrialization concept of marriage?
Finally, what are some things that we can do, in order to have a healthy marriage?
In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Shafiq Huda from the Canada to come and speak with us on \\\"How To Have A Healthy Marriage\\\"?
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