- Remembering the shuhadā’ of Iraq who protected the shrines of Ahlul Bayt and also remembering those who died in the Tehran air disaster flight to Kiev on their ziyarat trip to those shrines
- Discussing violence in Modern Muslim History
- Finding the roots causing this violence
- Muslims... Show More >>
- Remembering the shuhadā’ of Iraq who protected the shrines of Ahlul Bayt and also remembering those who died in the Tehran air disaster flight to Kiev on their ziyarat trip to those shrines
- Discussing violence in Modern Muslim History
- Finding the roots causing this violence
- Muslims had theological disagreements since the early days, however they were confined to discussion, debate, and literature
- The Khawarij was the first group who used violence for their ideals
- They had rebelled against Imam ‘Ali (a). ‘Ali had warned them that as long as your opposition is in words, I will tolerate you but the day you take up arms against the ordinary Muslims and harm them, I will confront you militarily.
- Much later, this mentality re-emerged in form of Salafi-Wahhabi ideology which is advocated by Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is based on that ideology.
- When Saudis captured the holy cities in 1920s, they destroyed the shrines of the family and companions of the Prophet in Medina.
- The example of the Ṭālibān – trained by Americans and financed by Saudis, Qataris & Imaratis against the Soviet. When they took over Afghanistan, they did the same: destruction of religious symbols and killing of other Muslims, especially the Shi‘as.
- And more recently in the areas of Syria and Iraq briefly controlled by ISIS, we saw the same pattern: destroying the shrines of the prophets and the companions of the Prophet and beheading of non-Muslims and Muslims alike.
- The majority of Muslims who go for Hajj visit Medina to pay respects to the Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s grave and those of his family/companions
- Salafi-Wahhabis consider these signs of respect as worship, and exhibit extreme hatred for these acts and the people who perform them
- This is despite the fact that there are clear statements in Sunni and Wahhabis sources also that show that the Prophet and the first four Sunni caliphs as well as Mu‘āwiyah used to visit the graves of the shuhadā’ in Uḥud.
- The positive impact of the visitation to the shrines bothers the Salafis, and so that they try their best to destroy the shrines and to prevent the people from visiting the shrines.
- All these events have led to present day situations
- As a Shi‘a Muslim community appreciate anyone who protects our shrines, who arranges tour groups to facilitate the visitations, and also those make the effort to visit the shrines.
- We salute and pray for those fighters from the Mediterranean coast to Pakistan who gave their lives in protecting the shrine of Bibi Zaynab near Damascus by pushing back the extremist forces. If it wasn’t for them, the shrine of Bibi Zaynab would have be destroyed.
- We salute and pray for those who gave their lives in fighting against the ISIS in Iraq. If it had not been for the courage and sacrifice of the Muslim fighters, ISIS had full intention of destroying the shrine in Samarra, in Kazimayn, in Karbala and in Najaf.
- We pray for Allãh’s special blessings upon those travellers who lost their lives in the recent air disaster outside Tehran. Among them were some who had gone for ziyārat of the shrines of our Imams
- Why do we pray for those who defended the shrines of Ahlul Bayt in Syria and Iraq?
- If it hadn’t been for their courage and sacrifice, the ISIS would have turned those shrine sites into the same sad situation as what we see today at the graveyard of Jannatul Baqī‘ in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
- Narrating the masaib of Bibi Fatima, the trauma of the event of the door falling on her, the capture and arrest of Ali, the speech of Fatima in the mosque saving Ali, her passing away, and the tumultuous events of her burial
Youtube: https://youtu.be/9Fw7rFQOQes
Shahadat of Bibi Fatima (a.s.)
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: January 9th, 2019
https://twitter.com/sayyidmrizvi Show Less >>
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