Imam Khomeini was an “Ayatollah” in the true sense of the word; somebody who reminds you of Allah. You really can’t talk about Imam Khomeini enough - and every time you learn something about him, you feel your soul is getting closer to Allah. The four points discussed in this installment of... Show More >>
Imam Khomeini was an “Ayatollah” in the true sense of the word; somebody who reminds you of Allah. You really can’t talk about Imam Khomeini enough - and every time you learn something about him, you feel your soul is getting closer to Allah. The four points discussed in this installment of the IP talk show are:
- Who was Imam Khomeini and what did he do?
- Is Imam Khomeini a personality only for Iran and Iranians?
- Why are some individuals attempting to spread propaganda and false information against him?
- What is the legacy of Imam Khomeini (where do you and I come into the picture)?
#ImamKhomeini #KhomeiniForAll #IslamicRevolution #TalkShow #Discussion
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