Isn\\\'t it about time for you to \\\"Go Ahead And Tie The Knot!\\\"
Well, before all that, a very special congratulations to you all on the wedding anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A) and the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), lady Fatima... Show More >>
Isn\\\'t it about time for you to \\\"Go Ahead And Tie The Knot!\\\"
Well, before all that, a very special congratulations to you all on the wedding anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A) and the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), lady Fatima Zahra (A).
So how important is marriage?
And what is the most beloved thing to Allah - the Almighty and Glorious?
And what is the most abhorrent thing to Allah - the Almighty and Glorious?
What must you follow if you are in the process of getting married?
And what is a great piece of advice if you\\\'re already married?
Finally, and most importantly, what does the Messenger of Allah (S) say about \\\'tying the knot\\\' and \\\'untying the knot\\\'?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom as we celebrate the wedding anniversary of Imam Ali (A) and lady Fatima Zahra (A), using the immaculate and infallible words of the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S).
So go ahead and tie that knot, but don\\\'t forget to follow all the applicable Islamic jurisprudential laws.
And if you\\\'ve already tied the knot, please remember to not untie it, wherever you are.
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