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10 Things Christians should THINK ABOUT | BISKIT | English

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10 Things Christians Should THINK ABOUT | BISKIT | English
The 41st installment of BISKIT is here with a #Christmas Special! Was Jesus a #Revolutionary? Did early Christians wear Hijab? Did the Bible foretell of the coming of Prophet #Muhammad (S)? Using proofs from the Bible, this BISKIT is bound to change your entire perspective on Jesus and... Show More >>
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Wa Salaam



Asalaamu Alaikum
Your videos are very educational and pleasurable to watch and you give mashallah very accurately how the religion is according to the teachings of the shia failth, that is we must follow Holy Quran and Holy Ahlulbayt.That is if we want to not go astray and recieve salvation. Do you give your videos permission to be downloaded and spread to other social networks llke YouTube etc..Or are these copyrighted and not allowed for distribution. Please let me know as I wish to spread your videos around so more people get this very much needed true knowledge of True Islam which can only and only come from understanding the teachings of the School Of AHLULBAYT. Jazakallah Khair for your great efforts and may Allah reward you abunduntly in this world and even more in the Hereafter Life.
