In this new analysis, Sheikh Jamel Tahiri comes back to the prime number 19, which is the number on which the Book of God, the Quran, is based. God has locked his word in the Book with the number 19, which proves its heavenly origin.
He also returns to the term \"salam\", peace,... Show More >>
In this new analysis, Sheikh Jamel Tahiri comes back to the prime number 19, which is the number on which the Book of God, the Quran, is based. God has locked his word in the Book with the number 19, which proves its heavenly origin.
He also returns to the term \"salam\", peace, which is the greeting of the Prophets and people who aspire to God. Peace through language but also inner peace. This peace is the reconciliation of man with his two realities, the physical reality and the inner or spiritual reality.
Finally, he returns to the subject of the 5 physical senses and the 5 spiritual senses. The 5 spiritual senses are the senses of the heart and it is with them that man will be able to govern his being and achieve inner peace.
The world in which we live is built in such a way that people rely on materialism. Materialism is bound to disappear. Whereas in our inner reality, there is an eternity. Why stay on the ephemeral and not hold on to the eternity? It is to this eternity that the Prophets have called us. People who do not aspire to this eternity do everything to be the masters on this Earth because they only have this reality and have achieved what they most hope for. Whereas people who have both one foot on this earth and another on the world of eternity aspire to something else, to answer the call of God.
After this preamble, Sheikh Jamel Tahiri addresses the subject of this analysis, the #Hope, which has an intimate relationship with the Quran.
This hope is multiple. The first is hope in the material, the ephemeral world.
The second is hope in God. As a believer, we must avoid placing our hope in the life of this world because if we place it on the material then we cannot have hope in God and what is eternal. Material hope comes to put a veil between man and heavenly hope.
People who place their hope in the material have no more certainty and no more connection with the heavenly world. So the man connects himself with everything that is palpable.
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