As Salam Alaikum,Please upload dua e marefate Imam on your website..Thankyou.
Syed Hassan Zare
Please Read this Dua as much as possible and let us teach our young ones also so that they will always be guided in life by Allah swt,our Holy Prophet s.a.w.s peace be upon him and... Show More >>
As Salam Alaikum,Please upload dua e marefate Imam on your website..Thankyou.
Syed Hassan Zare
Please Read this Dua as much as possible and let us teach our young ones also so that they will always be guided in life by Allah swt,our Holy Prophet s.a.w.s peace be upon him and the Hujjat and the Vicergent of Allah s.w.t on earth Imam Mahdi a.t.f.s.who is Our 'RAHBARE DUNIYA WA DEEN'
Ya Allah, Tu mujhay Apni Zaat ko pehchanwa dey, kyun kay agar Tu ne mujhay Apni Zaat ko nahi pehchanwaya tou mein Teray Rasoolallah SAWAW ko nahi pehchan sakon ga.
Ya Allah, Tu mujhay Apnay Rasoolallah SAWAW ko pehchanwa dey, kyun kay agar Tu ne mujhay Apni Rasoolallah SAWAW ko nahi pehchanwaya tou mein Teri Hujjat ASWS ko nahi pehchan sakon ga.
Ya Allah, Tu mujhay Apni Hujja ASWS ko pehchanwa dey, kyun kay agar Tu ne mujhay Apni Hujjat ASWS ko nahi pehchanwaya tou mein apnay Deen se behak jaon ga.
"O Allah introduce Your self to me
For,if you do not introduce Your self to me, I will not recognize Your Prophet (saws).
O Allah make me recognize Your Prophet(saws)
because if I do not recognize Your Prophet (saws),I will not recognize Your Proof [Imam (as)].
For,if you do not make me recognize Your Proof,I will deviate from my religion"
Maula Ali (ASWS) said:
When I want to talk to the Almighty Allah, I offer Namaz
When I want the Almighty Allah to talk with me, I read Quran-e-Pak
Rabbay Sallay Ala Muhammadin Wa Aal-e-Muhammadin Wa-Ajjil Farajahum, Ajjal Allah o Ta'alah Farajak Wa Sehal Allaho Ta'alah Makhrajak Wa Zahoorak Wa Rehmatullah-e-Wa-Barakatahu Show Less >>
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