***Note: the Saudi Wahhabi do not represent True Islam****
Wahabi consider Shia, Sunni Muslims and rest of the world as Infidels except Wahhabi\'s, so they are planning to kill and eat every one of us.
As part of the religious indoctrination of students in Egypt under Muslim Brotherhood... Show More >>
***Note: the Saudi Wahhabi do not represent True Islam****
Wahabi consider Shia, Sunni Muslims and rest of the world as Infidels except Wahhabi\'s, so they are planning to kill and eat every one of us.
As part of the religious indoctrination of students in Egypt under Muslim Brotherhood (wahhabi, same as FSA in Syria), students attending Al Azhar University, Cairo are being taught that it is perfectly ok to kill and eat infidels if you are hungry.
This video footage is taken from a televised show on Al-Tahrir TV channel (Egypt) showing a guest quoting passages from a book - titled \'al-Iqnaa\' (The Persuasion) - issued by al-Azhar University (one of the world\'s oldest universities & the most prestigious Islamic school) being taught to Egyptian high-school students that calls for the killing of sinners - such as apostates, those who don\'t pray, adulterers, and those who have a punishment set for them - as well as their eating. So you can kill and eat Infidels.
The talk show host was very surprised and warned that this could be fertile ground for religious zealots who form Saudi-like committees for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to carry out such acts on Egyptian citizens.
As the Muslim Brotherhood became increasingly powerful in Egypt, such insane Wahhabi writings have made their way even into the most prestigious religious institutions in that country. Show Less >>
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