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"Imam Hussain committed Suicide" - Pseudo Scholar / Conspiracy OR What? [English]

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"Imam Hussain Committed Suicide" - Pseudo Scholar / Conspiracy OR What? [English]
Suicide & Imam Hussain (a.s.) - A Pseudo Scholar and Our Responsibility - English. The name of this person is Hossein Qazvini/Qazwini.
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Ignorant and only ignorant can speak this.No more comments for U.



n ur asking about that so cald zakir(iblis)n his unaccepted apology?the 1 defending iblis is also an iblis so stop comenting any further as ur opinion is not needed because this is a discussion among the lovers of Maula Hussain(a.s)n not the people like U



looks like im wasting my time replying ur coments but i would coment this last time with some straightforward words,we shia r the 1s who knows the mission of Maula Hussain(a.s)which is sacrifice in the way of Allah to save His religion Islam,this belief is as strong as the belief in onness of Allah n this fact is known even by the shia children



Its I instead of If in my previous comment.



If think u need to consult to a great alim about this issue for further clarification in order to avoid being an ignorant.



there is no need to reconsider,everything is clear that how confidently without any shame he is repeating the sin n playing the part of iblis in ploting wrong picture of shia, this is never the believe of shia, any1 having such a wrong thought definitely deserves to b hanged, disrespecting Maula Hussain(a.s)is disrespecting Allah Almighty



Dear Bro(shiagreat)try to know the complete picture then come to conclusions.pls listen to his apology and then decide.I think u have no right to use words like iblis/hanging to him.



Absolutely correct words written against this iblis hossein qazvini, he deserves to be hanged in the middle of the people so that no one else dares to disrespect our beloved Maula Hussain(a.s)



Dear Sister Jabeen,let me tell you that its also a possibility that what he spoke was not what he meant.You please also listen to his apology,then probably you will understand better.I feel if he has committed any sin then Imam Hussain a.s would have forgiven him.He is not an ordinary zakir,like many in the mkt so pls live it to the Houza to decide



this person, i think does not know the difference between suicide and sacrifice.
Its very absurd that he reduced the sacrifice of Imam to suicide...
