حضرت آیتالله خامنهای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی صبح 18 اسفند 1390، در دیدار رئیس و نمایندگان مجلس خبرگان، ضمن سپاس و تجلیل بیدریغ از... Show More >>
حضرت آیتالله خامنهای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی صبح 18 اسفند 1390، در دیدار رئیس و نمایندگان مجلس خبرگان، ضمن سپاس و تجلیل بیدریغ از حركت عظیم، به هنگام، هوشمندانه و همراه با بصیرت مردم در انتخابات 12 اسفند، به تبیین تأثیرها و پیامهای این حضور پرشكوه پرداختند و تأكید كردند: رأی اكثریت قاطع مردم در انتخابات مجلس نهم، در واقع رأی به اصل نظام اسلامی و نشاندهنده اعتماد كامل آنان به نظام بود و همچون سیلی هوشیاركننده، افرادی را كه درخصوص اصل نظام و آینده آن و مردم، در توهم و خیالپردازی بسر میبردند، بیدار، و حقیقت را آشكار كرد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با تأكید بر اینكه حقیقتاً مردم عزیز كشور در این انتخابات سنگ تمام گذاشتند، افزودند: مردم در انتخابات 12 اسفند و در عرصه رویارویی با جبهه مخالفان، قدرت ناشی از ایمان و بصیرت خود را به میدان آوردند و با این حركت عظیم، طراحیهای چندین ماهه معاندان را برای انتخاباتی بیرونق، نقش بر آب كردند.
حضرت آیتالله خامنهای خاطرنشان كردند: حضور گسترده مردم در انتخابات در واقع جاری شدن رحمت الهی در كشور بود كه به همین دلیل باید شكرگزار خداوند متعال بود و پیشانی سپاس را در مقابل این رحمت الهی، بر خاك سائید.
ایشان لازمه نزول رحمت الهی را فراهم كردن موجبات رحمت الهی دانستند و افزودند: ملت ایران با حضور در صحنه، بصیرت و ایستادگی خود، موجبات رحمت الهی را فراهم كرد كه برای این توفیق نیز باید شكرگزاری كرد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی بار دیگر تأكید كردند: با همه وجود از مردم عزیز ایران تشكر میكنم.
حضرت آیتالله خامنهای از همه دستاندركاران انتخابات مجلس نهم، بویژه شورای نگهبان كه وظیفهای سنگین و دقیق بر عهده دارد، قدردانی كردند و افزودند: در این انتخابات، دولت، وزارت كشور، مسئولان و دستگاههای امنیتی، دستگاههای تبلیغاتی و صداوسیما واقعاً كار بزرگ و برجستهای انجام دادند و توانستند این موضوع بسیار حیاتی را به بهترین وجه به سرانجام برسانند.
در ابتدای این دیدار آیتالله مهدوی كنی رئیس مجلس خبرگان در سخنانی ضمن قدردانی از حضور با شكوه مردم در انتخابات 12 اسفند، راهنماییهای رهبر انقلاب اسلامی را در شكلگیری این حضور حماسی بسیار مؤثر دانست و گفت: یكی از اركان انقلاب و نظام، حضور مردم در صحنه است كه امام (ره) بارها بر آن تأكید میكردند.
آیتالله مهدوی كنی با تأكید بر اینكه حفظ و استمرار نظام اسلامی منوط به حفظ ستون آن یعنی ولایت و رهبری است، افزود: نمایندگان مجلس خبرگان بر عهدی كه با رهبری بستهاند، باقی هستند و حراست از جایگاه رهبری و ولایت فقیه را وظیفه خود می دانند.
Supreme Leader: High Turnout in Parliamentary Elections Showed That People Trust Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with the chairman and members of the Assembly of Experts. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence praised the people of Iran for their large turnout in the parliamentary elections and added that every vote in the parliamentary elections was a vote for the Islamic Republic.
\"Although the elections which were held on Friday were parliamentary elections, every vote by the people was in fact a vote for the Islamic system. The presence of the vast majority of the people at the polling stations and the large turnout - which was one of the highest rates over the past 33 years - showed that the people fully trust the Islamic system.\"
Ayatollah Khamenei added: \"In the elections that were held on the 12th of Esfand and in the arena of confronting the camp of the enemies, the people brought in their power which originates from their religious faith and insight. And with this massive movement, they foiled the plots that the enemies had been designing for months in order to minimize voter turnout.\"
He added: \"With their presence on the scene and with their insight and steadfastness, the people of Iran prepared the ground for divine blessings and it is necessary to thank God for this.\"
Referring to the paradigm of religious democracy and the position of elections in this paradigm, His Eminence reiterated: \"Elections are an important pillar of the system, and religious democracy is founded on elections. Therefore, anybody who believes in the Islamic system considers participating in the elections as his duty even if he has objections to certain issues.\"
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: \"In fact, all those who participated in the elections fulfilled an obligatory duty and they also showed their accurate understanding. This is because in a religious democracy, a person cannot refuse to take part in the elections under the pretext that he has certain criticisms.\"
Elsewhere in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the outcomes of the recent parliamentary elections and stressed: \"This election acted like a slap and awakened certain people who were cherishing illusions about the Islamic Republic and the people. It opened their eyes to the truth.\"
His Eminence referred to the recent statements by the US President and stated: \"The US President has said that they are not thinking about going to war with Iran. This statement is a good and wise statement. It shows that the illusion has been dispelled. But he has also said that they will bring the people of Iran to their knees by imposing sanctions, which shows that the illusion has not been fully dispelled in this regard.\"
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: \"The persistence of this illusion will harm US government officials and it will ruin their calculations because the camp of our enemies, particularly America, has been trying since 33 years ago to separate the people from the Islamic system by imposing sanctions on the Iranian nation and particularly by intensifying the sanctions over the past year. But everybody saw the commitment of the people to the Islamic system on the 12th of Esfand.\"
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the election also proved that the people trust the Islamic Republic, further adding: \"After the controversial elections of the year 1388, certain people concluded that the people would lose their trust in the Islamic Republic, but the recent election was a decisive and clear response to this wrong conclusion.\"
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that in an Islamic democracy everything is based on the votes of the people. \"Islam is the main component and the spirit of religious democracy and there must be no deviation from Islam.\"
He added: \"The experience we have gained over the past 33 years has shown that Islam can bring about dignity and honor for a nation. It can specify good goals and it can also prepare the way for achieving these goals. It can give rise to a scientific movement. It can give rise to a technological and industrial movement. It can give rise to a religious and ethical movement. It can make a nation feel proud in front of other nations.\"
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the nature of religious democracy and added that in a religious democracy, democracy originates from Islam. \"It is wrong to think that democracy has been adopted from the west. This is because although the form of democracy is the same in the Islamic Republic and in western systems, the origin is different.\"
His Eminence stressed that a religious democracy respects the votes of the people and added: \"In a religious democracy, the frameworks are completely different from the frameworks of western democracy because the frameworks of western democracy are oppressive.\"
Ayatollah Khamenei said that one example of this oppression is that it is illegal to deny the Holocaust in the west while nobody is allowed to protest about the deliberate insults against the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.). He added that another example is that women are not allowed to wear hijab to work. Show Less >>
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