What are you searching for in this world? Some of the pertinent and beautiful reminders in this clip will wake us up if we contemplate a little bit on what is being said. Allah has not created this world as a permanent abode- if our life objectives are to seek comfort and happiness, then perhaps... Show More >>
What are you searching for in this world? Some of the pertinent and beautiful reminders in this clip will wake us up if we contemplate a little bit on what is being said. Allah has not created this world as a permanent abode- if our life objectives are to seek comfort and happiness, then perhaps we have been walking in the wrong direction. By reflecting on the lifestyle of the great scholars of the modern world, such as Imam Khomeini, Imam Khamenei and others, we will see that the primary objectives of their lives were not to seek out comfort, but to strive against their nafs (selves).
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