The Tragedy Of Karbala Day 8
Hazrat Abbas A.S
Syed Asad Jafri muharram
Just over 50 years of the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam), the Muslim rulership was sliding into corruption under the tyrant Yazid, from the Ummayad family.
Hussain the son of Ali and the... Show More >>
The Tragedy Of Karbala Day 8
Hazrat Abbas A.S
Syed Asad Jafri muharram
Just over 50 years of the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam), the Muslim rulership was sliding into corruption under the tyrant Yazid, from the Ummayad family.
Hussain the son of Ali and the grandson of Muhammad took a stand against Yazid’s evil rule. Whilst Yazid was feared and hated for his ruthlessness, Hussain was loved and respected by society. Yazid realised this, and understood that if he could convince Hussain to support him, the people would too.
Hussain had a choice. To support the tyrant and live a comfortable life full of luxury, or to refuse and likely be killed for his decision. What should he do? What would you or I do? For Hussain he could not live his life as a supporter of tyranny, and the choice for him was simple. Hussain refused. He said “I only desire to spread good values and prevent evil”
The Tragedy Of Karbala Day 8
By Syed Asad Jafri Show Less >>
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