Himn i bukur, poezi e Naim Frasherit Abas Aliu mbi Ebul Fadhil Abbas a.s. i interpretuar nga Kori i kolegjit "Saadi" ne Tirane (http://www.albsaadi.com).
Hymn in Albanian, a poem Abas Aliu by a famous Albanian poet Naim Frasheri about Hz. Abbas. a.s. interpreted by the "Saadi" College Choir... Show More >>
Himn i bukur, poezi e Naim Frasherit Abas Aliu mbi Ebul Fadhil Abbas a.s. i interpretuar nga Kori i kolegjit "Saadi" ne Tirane (http://www.albsaadi.com).
Hymn in Albanian, a poem Abas Aliu by a famous Albanian poet Naim Frasheri about Hz. Abbas. a.s. interpreted by the "Saadi" College Choir from Tirana (Albania). Show Less >>
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