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Arbaeen in Norway: Peace and justice - The message of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) - English

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Arbaeen In Norway: Peace And Justice - The Message Of Imam Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) - English
Arbaeen in January 2013 organised by www.stand4hussain.org. They handed out thousands of cups of hot chocolate in the name of Imam Hussain and spread the message of peace and justice - the message of Imam Hussain and the message of Islam.
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May Allah accept these tireless efforts in spreading the message of truth and love. Let's all strive to spread Islam e Naab e Muhammadi (s) to all the people of conscience. Surely, the heat of love of Imam Al-Hussain (a.s) will never cool down in the hearts of the believers!



Good Job Azadaran-e-Mola Hussain.
