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Anger over Pakistani support-English

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Anger Over Pakistani Support-English
Pakistan has agreed to support the king against the protestors ONE Middle Eastern intervention makes the headlines every day. The other barely rates a mention. The first is ostensibly aimed at protecting civilians and at facilitating change, the second at safeguarding the status quo.... Show More >>
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These are termed as religious trained students (Taliban) by international media.In fact,as I observed,common Pakistani is more towards China and Iran.Dr. Ahmadinejad is the most discussed in Pakistan



A big population of ~65Millions Shias (Year-1998) is a target of genocide, target killings, and suicide attacks by the students of these (USA, Saudi funded) seminaries. Even these target Sunnis also.



I have no statistics about this interference.But being a student of P&D, I can say that as per reports/books at least ~9000Seminaries & Media Org are funded by Saudis.So Pakistani see this negatively



I have visited Pakistan last year. I have visualized a strong grip of Wbs there. Saudis and USA openly interfere in Pakistani affairs. But a common Pakistani Shia/Sunni don't like this interference!



@shahzafar, Thanks for the complement "Pakistanis are the dead nation". And the alive of them have gone to US, Canada, UK, Australia. It's a shame! Pakistanis are not that bad brother. Plz reconsider.
