Sargashte - Bewildered - Is a serial based on the life of Ubaidullah Ibne Hur e Jufi who was a famous for his poetry and bravery.
He had respect for Imam Ali (as) but at the same time he was very much attached with the worldly pleasures. It was due to his lover for the world he missed... Show More >>
Sargashte - Bewildered - Is a serial based on the life of Ubaidullah Ibne Hur e Jufi who was a famous for his poetry and bravery.
He had respect for Imam Ali (as) but at the same time he was very much attached with the worldly pleasures. It was due to his lover for the world he missed 2 great opportunities.
1) At the time of the Battle of Siffin he joined the forces of Muawiyah
2) At the time of Battle of Karbala
When Ubaidullah Ibn Hur e Jufa got the news that Imam Hussain (as) was comming to Kufa , he left Kufa and camped in the desert. He he preferred to keep away from both Imam Hussain (as) and Yazid.
On the way to Karbala Imam Hussain(as) was informed about Ubaidullah Ibn Jufi. Imam sent him a message that He intended to meed him. But Ubaidullah ibn Jufo refused to meet Imam(as).
Then Imam Hussain(as) personally came to meet Ubaidullah ibn Hur Jufi and invited him to join him. But Ubaidullah refused and instead told Imam (as) to take his horse with Him. Imam(as) refused to accept it and said to keep it with himself as very soon that horse would help him escape from the hands of the cruel rulers.
Ubaidullah missed the great opportunity of joining Imam Hussain (as) in his mission for the love of the world.
He was a looser in both the world as well as the hereafter. After the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) he was not able to enjoy this world as his wife abandoned him for not supporting Imam Hussain(as) and on the other hand he had to spend rest of his life wandering in desert as the men of Ibne Ziyad were always after him for not supporting Yazid at Karbala. Show Less >>
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