Egypt is tightening security measures along its borders with the Gaza Strip following massive unrest in the country. The new security measures are affecting the daily lives of many Gazans in the coastal enclave. Gaza has been suffering for several years from an Israeli blockade which has caused a... Show More >>
Egypt is tightening security measures along its borders with the Gaza Strip following massive unrest in the country. The new security measures are affecting the daily lives of many Gazans in the coastal enclave. Gaza has been suffering for several years from an Israeli blockade which has caused a lot of difficulty for the people living there. But now the new situation on the Egyptian border is making the economic situation in the coastal enclave much more difficult than before. Due to the tight Israeli blockade, Gaza depends on the tunnels to obtain essential supplies and cheaper fuel. Estimates show 40 percent of the coastal enclave\'s needs come via underground tunnels.
Hala al-Safadi, Press TV, Gaza Show Less >>
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