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[Polititcal Analysis] H.I Murtaza Zaidi - Lahore - 30 Nov 2013 - Urdu

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[Polititcal Analysis] H.I Murtaza Zaidi - Lahore - 30 Nov 2013 - Urdu
Subject : Political Analysis Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza zaidi Topic : ملکی اور غیر ملکی صورتحال پر ایک جائزہ | سانحۃ راولپنڈی و انچولی, عالمی طاقتوں کا ایران سے معاہدہ اور شام کی موجودہ... Show More >>
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The video maker does not know his job\r\nplease make sure you use some one who knows how to use a video camera



Is America's primary motive to control the OIL in the middle east? Lets assume, Iraq exports approximately 100 Billion Dollar worth of oil each year. The budget of the war that was waged on Iraq in 2001 is 1.5 trillion dollars till 2015. The calculation indicates clearly that this war is NOT for the oil. The primary purpose is to wage a war against the system of Islamic Revolution, the system of resistance.
