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1پاراچنار،کرم ایجنسی کے حالات Parachinar Situation - Hamari Nigah [Al-Balagh Studio] - Urdu

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1پاراچنار،کرم ایجنسی کے حالات Parachinar Situation - Hamari Nigah [Al-Balagh Studio] - Urdu
The guests of the discussion are: Former central president of ISO, Br. Adil Bangash and Parachinar's youth representative, Br. Sajid Bangash. Date of the program 22 May 2011. "Hamari Nigah" is a series of talk shows in which our respected guests present their points of view... Show More >>
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People with conscience from all over Pakistan will march to Parachinar and break this siege. Insha'Allah. May I be amongst them. Ameen.



Pakistan Army has enough soldiers to send to Bahrain to stop the public uprising against the dictator there, yet Pakistan's Army is so helpless to open up this 18 KM long road? Ridiculous and absurd. This indicates that this blockade is a strategic move by the cooperation of government and army and intelligence agency.



Parachinar is the Gaza of Pakistan. It is an open air prison where residents don't get the basic necessities of their lives, e.g. medicines, food items etc. This is because the road connecting Parachinar to rest of the Pakistan has been blocked by Talibaan. And the Government of Pakistan is not doing anything other than false promises.
