Call For 3-MONTH BOYCOTT Of Ziarat-e-Iran VIA ROAD - Meaning that if Zaireen are able to travel via Air then travel by air but not by ROAD - Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi - Urdu.
This is related to the Bus Attack of Zaireen by Taliban Terrorists on 20th September 2011 who were going to Taaftan, Iran... Show More >>
Call For 3-MONTH BOYCOTT Of Ziarat-e-Iran VIA ROAD - Meaning that if Zaireen are able to travel via Air then travel by air but not by ROAD - Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi - Urdu.
This is related to the Bus Attack of Zaireen by Taliban Terrorists on 20th September 2011 who were going to Taaftan, Iran via Quetta.
This is the second attack by the Terrorists and the first attack took place 1-month ago and the call for a 3-Month Boycott took place after the 1st attack. Hence it is necessary that this Message by Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi is spreaded to all Momineen & Mominaat of Pakistan, especially those who have planned or are planning to travel for Ziarat via Road.
For more details on the second attack on Zaireen on 20th Sept 2011, visit
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I am hopeful that Other Shia leaders in Pakistan will also follow Agah's request & take His message positively, Inshallah!!!!!
May Allah (SWT) give Ustad e Moazzam good health!
I just got an sms that Allama Jawad Naqvi has asked for boycott, and source was I just came to see this and I am sad on the martyrdom of Shia brothers and sisters but I am proud to see shiatv to provide such valuable and precious information throughout the world, Curse upon zalimeen.
Add Commentroohihasnain
-jazakallah,may Allah bless you all
-If our ulema like Jawad Naqvi can also work on alternate routes or private airlines that facilitate zaireen, will be a great achievement.
-Jazakallah, need to circulate this message with the consensus of ulema
-I am hopeful that Other Shia leaders in Pakistan will also follow Agah's request & take His message positively, Inshallah!!!!!
May Allah (SWT) give Ustad e Moazzam good health!
-I just got an sms that Allama Jawad Naqvi has asked for boycott, and source was I just came to see this and I am sad on the martyrdom of Shia brothers and sisters but I am proud to see shiatv to provide such valuable and precious information throughout the world, Curse upon zalimeen.