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CNN Lari King interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad Sept 22, 2010 - English

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CNN Lari King Interview With Iranian President Ahmadinejad Sept 22, 2010 - English
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Israeli prime minister is a professional assassin, who should be tried for his crimes against the people of Palestine. "[Benjamin] Netanyahu should be tried in court for blockading Gaza and massacring innocent Palestinian women and children,"... Show More >>
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Nice sharing. Ahmadinejad speaks truth and truth speak itself.



Larry King is totally unable to see truthful pious Ahmadinejad.



After seeing the whole video I can say that Iranian President Ahmadinejad has wisdom, softness and pious behavior. What about Lari King (a paid ill media mind)?



Chinese old saying, "Truth needs no ornaments".



hehehehe. USA's top interviewer 'Lari King' is sure 'dead cow' before a simple, soft and truthful Iranian Presdient Ahmadinejad.



CNN Lari King live interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad!
SEE Lari King is like a 'dead cow' before the confident and knowledged Iranian President. This President speaks but only truth and truth speaks itself.



First time Lari King looks puzzle and without point. He is so frightened by the truth and softness of President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 'USA & Western Media' has never seen before such a truthful soul.



@SpiritofIslam. Thanks for sharing complete interview. Mr. President has clean bold the "well-known" Mr. Lari King with his truthfulness, gentleness and softness!
