The barbaric and utterly savage murdering spree of Daesh/ISIS was brought to an end not by the American coalition, but rather it was brought to an end by the efforts of the Islamic Republic and at the forefront was Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani (R).
What did Shaheed Haj Qasem announce... Show More >>
The barbaric and utterly savage murdering spree of Daesh/ISIS was brought to an end not by the American coalition, but rather it was brought to an end by the efforts of the Islamic Republic and at the forefront was Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani (R).
What did Shaheed Haj Qasem announce from the heart of the chaos in West Asia regarding the current and future plots of the enemy?
And why was Daesh/ISIS established in the first place; what was it\'s fundamental target?
What would have happened to the holy and sacred sanctuaries and shrines of the Muslim Ummah if it weren\'t for the sacrifices made by \"The Defenders of the Shrines\"?
If American president, Barack Obama had said that the American military\'s occupation and presence in Iraq was in order to bring stability and security, why didn\'t the Americans take a single step to protect Iraq from Daesh/ISIS?
Finally, what would have happened to the Muslim Ummah if it weren\'t for the resistance, steadfastness, and determination of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani?
The two heroes of the Islamic Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei and Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani put all the details on the table.
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